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Generel racing rules for VSK - Denmark
( are always used unless otherwise mentioned in NOR or SI )


These are the rules used in most VSK Fleet Race events organized by VSK Danmark(VSK - DK) .
Note that the rules are used in several events and do not include specifics about competition formats, schedules or maps.


The VSK-DK Racing Rules are based upon ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing (ISAF RRS) with a few exceptions stated below.

- Part of the boat is only hull and mast

- No general recall due to false starts

- The mark zone is 2 hull lengths

- All penalties include 1 tack and one gybe

- Skippers need to hail "P Skipper Name” in the game chat in order to protest

- Skippers need to hail “RTT” or "Room to tack" in the game chat in order to use rule 20



There are 3 ways to give or receive a penalty.

  • Automatic from VSK-Umpire

    If you think the penalty is wrong, you can request a cancellation. When you have received a cancellation, you MUST explain why you think it is wrong. This has to be done before 20.00 CET the day after the race.

    If you are asked to cancel a penalty, you MUST cancel it. If you do not, you will automatic get a DSQ for that race.

  • You can protest against another boat by writing P+Boatname in the race chat. Then file a protest before 20.00 CET the day after the race.

    If there is a protest against you, you will have 24 hours from the protest is made public in VSK-DK Forum, to respond with your comments.

  • PC Protest

    PC can protest on any boat, even when looking at an entire different situation. The protested boat will have 24 hours to respond with comments, after the protest is made public in VSK-DK Forum.




As proof of your protest, you MUST send a screenshot of your protest from the chat,to .  It's a good idea to save a replay when the race is over, as proof. Especially if there has been much lag. PC will generally use the host's replay, you do not need to attach your replay, unless asked for it.



Is not usually given, but can be given if

- a cancel request is not accepted by opponent.
- being hit by a boat that has lost the connection.
- your result is badly affected by someone else's boat, rule 2 violation.

If you lose your connection, no redress.


Fair Play(rule 2)

A boat and her owner shall compete in compliance with recognized principles of sportsmanship and fair play.
A boat may be penalized under this rule if it is clearly established that these principles have been violated. A disqualification under this rule may not be deducted from the boat's total score in the series.

- You should not knowingly break a rule.
- If you are aware or should have known you have broken a rule then you should voluntarily take a  penalty.
- Choose your words carefully when you using the chat. Profanity is not accepted. Insult of a particular skipper can be read by all participants.     
So if you have deliberately broken a rule, not voluntarily take your punishment, or abused race chat, then you may have broken a rule.



Protest another boat by pressing enter, write ”p+boatname”, remember to make a screenshot.             

Submit protest on protest page, and send screenshot, as proof, to:





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